Friday, February 23, 2007

“Crush Your Enemies. See Them Driven Before You. And To Hear the Lamentation of Their Women”

Thus being the answer given by Conan The Barbarian, when asked, “What is best in life?”

Point being, I’ve lately noticed a slight ramping up of my innate sarcasm and general feeling of dismay with the near-term human condition on some recent blog postings, bordering on beyond-curmudgeoness, possibly even delving into the territory of abject nihilism. Frak that! I’ll step aside and let real journalists do that which they do best. Oh, I’m doing it again. Sorry.

As far as good news goes, today I had the day off from work and spent some time at a local park, where I ate lunch, read a book, and watched moonjellies slowly pulse in the shallow bay waters.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Another 100 Mile Bike Ride

My friend Dave and I just rode the 100 mile (century) bike ride in Palm Springs on Saturday. It was great - good weather, light winds, and, during the ride, only 3 or 4 snide comments about my Chuck Taylors. Screw those stupid bike shoes, I say, and screw the weird bike-club mentality that has sprung up in the last few years - a view that biking is all about total fitness and competition. Bullshit. It's just fun, for crissakes.

I saw an actual Road Runner on the side of the road around mile 85. Very cool.

As an aside, while I admire the Lance Armstrong "Livestrong" yellow wristband charity endeavors, I personally prefer (courtesy of the Onion) the Floyd Landis "Cheat to Win" wristband.

I planned on calling Barb during the ride but didn't. She'll understand. She's pretty busy. (Good luck with the house).

And I forgot to take a picture of me and Dave at the finish line dammit.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Screw Global Warming, Here’s a Picture of My Cat

I’ve decided to hell with it, I’ll officially apply for my visa to Blogistan, where it is apparently a requirement for you to post a picture of your adorable pet for all the world to see. You can’t argue with Time magazine, who has named me Person of the Year. Whoop-dee-f’ing-doo. The “Year of the Amateur”, I say disparagingly. Uh huh. I see it as a downward quality trend – I do not yet trust citizen journalism.

But I digress.

Benny (seen above) is now wearing what has become to be known as the Cone of Power. An unfortunate eye problem created the cone situation (he’ll be OK), but the problem is, our next door neighbor cat Bootsy is now completely freaked out with Benny’s cone, and performs spastic doubletakes whenever he sees him. He won’t go close and he won’t go far. It’s amusing. It’s like Boots sees Benny as now having a halo or helmet or an aura of light around his head, and it freaks him out. I imagine if I suddenly saw a halo around one of my friends heads (like ML) I would totally freak too. Who knows what’s happening in their little cat brains?

But they’re so cute.

So ends my cat blog. Back to: Global Warming. Gather data and act.

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