Conan The Barbarian and Sobatai Discuss Adult Nutritional Supplements

Food Comparison: Ensure Plus, and Jevity 1.5 Adult Nutritional Supplements
Sobatai: Remind me, Conan, how much gold is King Osric paying us to wallow through these spleen twisting exercises in the review of food-like substances? Arrrg.
Conan: I’ll begin with a pronouncement: Like the riddle of steel, these so called nutritional substances carry with them their own enigma: why anyone with a pulsing brain in their sensorium would willingly drink Ensure Plus, or Jevity for that matter, without the threat of having their bodies cast into the firey waters. That is the real mystery that lies before us.
Sobatai: Regarding the taste: “Frothy camel excrement” is a phrase that leaps to mind.
Conan: The other mystery of course, is why our vocabularies have become so enlarged as we pontificate upon these ridiculous foodstuffs. It must be the work of Crom!
Sobatai: Hah! Crom? More likely The Four Winds. That is who I pray to, Conan: The Everlasting Sky! Must I remind you that your pitiful god Crom cowers beneath Him?
Conan: Oh? Well, you’re stupid.
Sobatai: No, you’re stupid.
Conan: You’re stupid.
Sobatai: You're stupid.
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