Saturday, December 31, 2005

Enjoy New Year's Eve a Second Longer

That is the message from those zany partyers at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, because, for the first time since 1998, a leap second is being added to the world's clocks tonight so they are properly synched up with the actual movement of the galactiverse. This decree of an additional second was sent out to "authorities responsible for the measurement and distribution of time" (how excellently mind boggling is that?) by the International Earth Rotation and References Service back in July, so yes, we were prepared dammit!

For an exhaustive though fascinating (to geeks anyway) explanation of leap seconds, go to the US Naval Observatory (USNO) site here. And check out the Time Services Department of the USNO here. And how great would it be to have "Dept. of Time Services" on your business card?

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Cell Phone Diary Part 2

It's started. I think it's the Madness. I've read the instruction manual and have made a call. I've left the phone on, instead of turning it off. I'll strive to utilize the scientific method in my studies, but I'm cognizant of lurking dark forces, seen just out of the corner of my eye, and will continue to remain vigilant. Wait... I hear a phone ringing.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

My First Cell Phone - The Horror... The Horror

Having just purchased my first personal cell phone, my intent here is to record observations of any changes in my intellectual capacity or emotional demeanor. I fear that I may now join the ranks of the rude, insensitive phone-toting hoi polloi, and may yet descend into uncharted depths of madness, despair, and rampant loquacity. I leave this record so that those who may wish to follow in my footsteps harken to take necessary precautions and be mindful of the treacherous pitfalls of this frightening journey.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Holiday Caption Contest Part 2

What's your suggestion for a caption describing this photo?

Probably not, "Orange County man does his part to help rebuild Iraq, despite shortage of much needed salt."

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Wildlife Cam in Botswana, Africa

Spellbinding is a word I rarely use, but it applies to the Wildcam sounds and images emanating from Pete's Pond in the Mashatu Game Preserve in Botswana. Check it out at this National Geographic site here. Note that a RealPlayer plugin is required to view the real time video; be wary when downloading - RealNetworks is notorious for obfuscating what software plugin you're actually getting. Bastards.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I wonder what would happen if all our major newspapers and TV stations published/broadcast that headline in huge bold typeface for a month. A thought experiment.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Blogging As De-Evolution

Cool story in the LAT today, regarding apes and computers. Culled from the Chicago Tribune, and written by William Mullen, one particular passage brought a slow smile to my face:

"The idea is to get the apes to learn to use computer programs to communicate preferences on food, activity and living space."

Yes, you've guessed it. They're teaching the apes...

To Blog.

OK, not really. But the comparison seems apt.

Link to the article here.
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