Screw Global Warming, Here’s a Picture of My Cat

But I digress.
Benny (seen above) is now wearing what has become to be known as the Cone of Power. An unfortunate eye problem created the cone situation (he’ll be OK), but the problem is, our next door neighbor cat Bootsy is now completely freaked out with Benny’s cone, and performs spastic doubletakes whenever he sees him. He won’t go close and he won’t go far. It’s amusing. It’s like Boots sees Benny as now having a halo or helmet or an aura of light around his head, and it freaks him out. I imagine if I suddenly saw a halo around one of my friends heads (like ML) I would totally freak too. Who knows what’s happening in their little cat brains?
But they’re so cute.
So ends my cat blog. Back to: Global Warming. Gather data and act.
Felis Rex
Poor Bootsy! And Benny, too.
Though I have to say, I think the cone is quite fetching on him.
That's my sweet boy! He's so cute.
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