Wednesday, January 31, 2007

SketchUp 3-d Modeling Tool

Google offers an unbelievably easy to use modeling tool called SketchUp. I'd heard about it a few months ago, but didn't think about it again until I started drawing up some preliminary designs for a backyard landscape project we're considering. I downloaded the free software (from HERE), and was able to use it within minutes. Its ease of use and simple power is astonishing. Give it a try. Maybe they even allow it to be downloaded in China.

Monday, January 15, 2007

The Following Takes Place Between 6am and 8am

Jack Bauer! Damn. I watched the first two hours last night on ML's big ass plasma HD TV. Holy crap, it was amazing. I'd never watched an HD show before. The hype is true: you can discern pores and wrinkles and blemishes on the actors faces; incredibly realistic.

As for the show, it's so tightly plotted that you don't have time to step back and say to yourself, "No frakking way that could happen!" I look forward to the rest of the season, and I may have to keep watching it on ML's HD teevee.
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