You know how you have those weekends sometimes when the fun never stops and you try to think back about your experiences, kind of ruminating on Monday, "Er, let's see, I did WHAT while dancing my ass off at the Common Sense concert?!" Well, if you're a responsible adult, maybe you don't have weekends like that, but what can I say. Yes your honor, guilty as charged.
I re-read the preceding paragraph, and it occurs to me that who in their right mind wants to post, on the internet for chrissakes, details of craziness, shennanigans, and tomfoolery wantonly engaged in for no other purpose than to have fun while visiting my good friends down in Carlsbad, CA? That would seriously jeopardize any chances of me landing on the Supreme Court, I'm sure. So I'll cut this short, but will make a plea to my friend Mike to please put my sunglasses in a little box and send them to me, my wife paid good money for them, and I'll pay you back for postage as soon as the ATM will spit out some more money to me, but that may take several days because of the serious cash depletion which occurred sometime between the off-track betting at Del Mar and the pool playing at the Tidewater, then having to drive back the next day to get my car, and it's like, hey we're here, let's have a cold one, and wild political discussions ensue, where I'm repeatedly called a slobbering "left wing apologist", with my cries that I'm more of a "centrist" being soundly ignored, just because logic had left the building along with Elvis, so to speak, which brings me to a much better title for this post, which is now a brand new phrase in the English language:
The Moons of PlutoTwo new little moons have been discovered via Hubble images, so Pluto can lift it's head up with pride and say, "I really am a planet dammit! Not just some lowly Kuiper Belt vagabond!"
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